Saturday, October 8, 2016

A New Addition to the Family

Please allow me to introduce the newest writer in the Gaylord clan, Griffin Lloyd Gaylord!

As you can imagine, I haven't had much time to write lately but I still have a few stories trickling out from various markets. Check out "The There It Is Store" on the Cast of Wonders young adult fiction podcast and "Hummer" in Speculative Fiction Bites by World Weaver Press, And here's a great review for Sol of the Coliseum by the fellows over at Eleven Media.

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Tips on Writing and Stories

Hi friends, just stopping by to share a couple really great articles. The firs is by the wizard behind Pixar's Up and Inside Out, Mr. Pete Docter. These are his tips on creating great stories. I actually keep this tab up on my phone and read it once every few weeks, it's that good.

On Developing Story Ideas, by: Pete Docter

The second is a really interesting piece from Indie author Hugh Howey. I don't agree with everything he says (or at least I don't think everything he says applies to me because I don't aspire to be a full time author) but the main points are really valuable.

So You Want To Be A Writer, by: Hugh Howey
