Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Favorite Short Fiction Markets

I write short fiction and I like to get published which means I submit to a ton of markets...often. Everyone knows the top tier markets like Clarksworld or Tor but there are so many smaller markets, some of which are great to deal with, some less so. Here are my favorites in to particular order:

For constructive personal feedback, nobody beats Shimmer. You'll probably only get a sentence or two, and it will probably be terse, but how wonderful is it to get editor insight? Fantastic.
DailyScienceFiction is my unicorn. I've submitted every single short story I've ever written and I've yet to lure this mythical beast into my service. Two stories shortlisted but to no avail. And several of my stories have been PERFECT for DSF. It drives me nuts. I have a running list of lifetime writing goals (maybe I'll share it sometime) and landing on DSF is near the top. Someday...

Here's a fun one: Ruthless Peoples Magazine. They are serious when they say they want ruthless stories about ruthless people. They are also seriously nice. Best rejection letters ever.
In the "Paid More Than I Expected" category, check out Eldritch Press and  Liquid Imagination. For semi-pro markets they treat their authors right.

For themed issues, keep an eye on Penumbra (also good for personalized rejection letters) and Crossed Genres. They both come up with some great monthly themes and both pay professional rates.

MUST ACT NOW: If you haven't seen this one yet, go check out The Lane of Unusual Traders, a super cool author and reader interactive world. They have a great prompt up right now but stories are due the end of August so hurry up! (I have 2 in the works)

I've only sent one story their way (still pending) but I love the concept behind Scigentasy. We need more gender diversity in speculative fiction and that's what they're all about.

Other cool markets that respond with personalized rejection letters:
Untied Shoelaces of the Mind
Lightspeed (currently closed to submissions)
Fantasy and Science Fiction (great feedback but snail mail only)
Stupifying Stories
Kasma SF

Finally, one to watch out for. I won't get into why but if I were you I'd avoid TheWiFiles. Not to be trusted.

What about you? Any favorites? Any you disagree with?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Did I Mention I'm Gonna Be a Daddy?

Looking back through my last few months of posts (as few and far between as they may be) I see that I haven't shared the biggest news in my life:

We're having a baby!

Hilary's due August 28th and we're having a girl.

Yes, we've picked out a name. No, we're not telling anyone what it is.

Happy Days!

My beautifully round wife. Prego!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Accept Your Story’s Place

Every story has a place. 

I firmly believe that for every story you write there’s an agent or an editor out there that will both love and want to publish it. I also believe that with patience and persistence you can find these people. And by all means, shoot for the moon. I send every story I write to every professional paying market I know. But not every story I write is worthy of a professional market. Hell, most stories I write aren’t up to snuff. And that’s OK. 

After I exhaust every pro market I hit the semi-pro, then the token. And if my story ends up at some e-mag I’ve never heard of with thirty subscribers and I end up making $5 on the deal, that’s OK. I write because I love it; anything else is a bonus. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel bitter when the perfect market passes on your story (I’m looking at you DailyScienceFiction) but bitterness and anger hurt the process, not help it. Remember, the market decides your story’s price but you decide your story’s worth. 

Hope blooms eternal. 

Wherever your story ends up is where it belongs. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Happy Intergalactic Star Wars Day!

The force is strong with this blog...

Thursday, May 1, 2014

First Professional Publication!

I just wanted to share that I had my first professional sale!

My story "Robot Mothers" appeared in the April issue of Penumbra EMag. This was one of the first pieces of fiction I ever wrote and still one of my favorites. 

And one of the cool things about getting into a larger market is your stuff gets reviewed on Tangent!

Very humbling to get such a positive reception.


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Rejection Letter Meme

My first meme. Who's with me?!?!?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Face Off Short Story!

I love the SciFi Channel's special effects makeup reality series Faceoff which starts a new season tonight! It's my favorite show. So creative! So positive...most of the time. Some particularly un-positive judging inspired the following short story. Enjoy!

By: Adam Gaylord
“I think you made some really bad decisions with this makeup,” the judge of the popular special-effects makeup reality show said. “Your alien’s head is bulbous and lopsided, the color palate of the skin is dull and boring, and the scales don’t make any sense.”
     Gartron burst out laughing. He pointed at the view-screen. “Ohh! It looks just like you! Lopsided and dull!” he howled.
     “I am going to reduce that planet to ash,” Mal-tor seethed.
     “But with as bad as your makeup was,” the judge continued, “your competitor’s was worse. The bright red floppy ears, the monochrome yellow hair, the bad teeth. Your alien looks like a poorly drawn cartoon character.”
     Gartron’s laughter stopped. He stood, brushing a lock of yellow hair back behind a large floppy ear.
“I’ll warm up the plasma cannon.”