Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ray Bradbury, 1920 - 2012

For those of you than don't know, author Ray Bradbury passed away last night at the age of 91.

Over the next few days I'm sure that there will be many remembrances of the man who was one of the pillars of speculative fiction and most of them will be far more eloquent than mine. I just want to say that Ray Bradbury wrote stories of the highest caliber. His works defined genres and set the bar for generations to come. He was, and is, a writer I look up to.

And he was a writer's writer. If you want to know what I mean, take a few minutes and watch this interview from 2010.

Ray Bradbury, you will be missed.


  1. "Things that you do, should be things that you love, and things that you love should be things that you do."

    Hail to that.

    R.I.P. Ray. And thank you.

  2. I hadn't heard. He is a legend. R.I.P.

  3. I hadn't heard either. May he rest in peace, and well wishes to his family.


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