
Wednesday, August 1, 2018

#BoostMyBio For #PitchWars 2018!

Hello fellow #PitchWars hopefuls!

I'm... not sure... how to do this. How does one... words... about... oneself?

Okay, here we go.

My name is Adam Gaylord (@AuthorGaylord) and I've been writing since 2005 when I decided that writing books could be a good way to get rich and famous. I mean, how hard could it be?


I've learned a lot since then, mostly that I love writing for the craft and the community. I love helping other writers (hit me up for a query critique!) and I live for those "ah ha!" moments when some stubborn part of a story finally clicks. I've been told I write compelling action sequences (fight scenes) but I sometimes forget to describe... everything (people, settings, etc.)

I love stories that make you question what it means to be human or why society is structured the way it is. GIVE ME HUMANOID ROBOTS ALL DAY!!! Stories that tinker with gender norms are a plus.

The story I'll be pitching for #PitchWars 2018 is about two roboticists trying to save what's left of humanity during the robot apocalypse. Highlights include:
  • Flying cement mixers
  • Sassy gender-swapping giant crab bots
  • Evolutionary theory out the wazoo (I'm a biologist. I can't help it.)
  • Trippy surreal computer-construct dream worlds
  • Former sex bots turned artist ninjas
  • LOTR reverences
  • A lifelong friendship between a girl and the robot who helped raise her.
You can check out my other published works HERE, including my first novel, SOL OF THE COLISEUM (2015, Mirror World Publishing).

As for non-writing stuff, I'm married to a wonderful woman who supports my writing beyond all reasonable expectations. I love her. My kids might be demons. Results pending. My dog is very judgemental. I love to bake and am growing especially fond of the yummy noises my kids make when I make something particularly delectable. I love good beer and whiskey. Hit me up if you're going to GABF 2018!

That's it for me. Best of luck to everyone. Thank you so much for stopping by!